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what I will be geeking out over most of the weekend


My mega order of MAME bits showed up. I am converting an arcade cabinet to a multi machine that runs off of a computer and still uses the arcade monitor. It will be some time till it is done, but I am going to be busy working on it for hours and hours.

I got all the parts from Ultimarc

2 X mag stick +
arcade VGA card
J-PAC (I have a JAMMA cab)

I am currently building the PC and need to do a bunch of configuring. OS is loaded and being updated.


AMD socket 939 3400 single core
2GB RAM (4X512)
10K 74GB Raptor HD
LG DVD burner

The arcade VGA card is a modified ATI card that puts out 15khz for an arcade monitor on the VGA output, A cable connects it to the J-PAC which hooks into my cab. The DVI output is normal and that is how I am configuring the PC. Will hook up to the cab soon.

A MAME does not have to be too powerful, but if I choose to emulate some recent games it might not work out well. I intend to stick to the classics though.

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