Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



what a friday night. Food, tandem ride through downtown, friends, and bacon

That would be our first attempt at making our own “Zesty” hamburger helper type meal. We usually make a bacon cheeseburger macaroni, but I wanted to try and make it a bit zestier, spicier, and richer flavored version. I left out bacon as an ingredient (hangs head in shame). Got some chipolte peppers and blended 2 of them up with some basil from our yard, garlic, paprika, cayenne, parsley, black pepper, milk, and some Misty’s seasoning. Added that to my base bechamel and used jack cheese.

I had no clue that the chipolte peppers would be so hot. Before I added the cheese I had to pour out 1/2 of the sauce and build it back up to weaken the hottness. And I only added 1/2 of the blended up stuff. It turned out really good and we froze 1/2 of it to cook at a later time.

Headed down to Yaiyai’s to meet up with the usual friday night bike buds. CVO got an awesome yellow tandem bike and peeps took turns cruising around downtown on it. CVO kinda made me take him for a spin. It was strange indeed.

Headed home to defrost some of my top secret bacon stash for the midnight bacon party over at the D st hotel. I brought some shoulder bacon from Pleasant hills and Howells. It went over really well. Other stuff like hash browns, french toast, and bacon grease bread filled the tummies of a bunch of tipsy folk. good times.

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