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we went to Vegas


I would follow her anywheres


We stayed at the Venetian and I ate this both days for brekkie that included the best fries in Vegas. Yes, they were that good. And I am not the one making that claim. I was pretty much forced to try them and was so glad I did.


And the pinball. Oh man the pinball.

I rode the rollercoaster at New York 30 times in a row and paid dearly. I literally scabbed over on my shoulders. I am still sore


saw a little magic show at the RIO that I have waited my whole life for.

Good times

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1 comment

  • Brian · 10/14/2015 at 3:45 PM

    I used to live in Vegas until 4 years ago. One of the biggest things I miss is the Pinball Hall of Fame. I used to go there all of the time. You got to go to the new building which is soooo much better than the old dark sauna the PHOF used to be in. I bought the legs for my full sized video pin that I built from one of the guys who runs the place. Nice group of people.

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