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watchful citizen helps catch the vandalizer

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Fluxus, on the forum was paying attention and notified the authorities which led to the guy admitting he had done it.

Guys, weird thing about this. I just called the State Patrol folks and told them this, too.

Last Thursday or Friday, I was eating my lunch on the picnic tables under the parking garage at 11th and N Sts between 11 and 11:30. There was a guy walking across the street, heading east up N st, carring a large handwritten sign with that exact same stuff written on it. One side of the sign had the god/archive web addresses, and the other side had that other stuff. Periodically, he would change the way he was carrying the sign so that people could see both sides as he walked along.

Considering what strange phrases those are, I’d bet he’s the same guy who did the graffiti.

He was a white guy, early to mid 40s, dark blonde or light brown hair, average height, kind of plain clothes.

If you see a guy matching that description, I’d call the State Patrol at 471-4545 right away. They’ll put you through to the Capitol Security folks and hopefully go get the guy.

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So, the guy I saw with the sign?

I was just having my lunch in the same place, and he walked by with the same sign again, headed east on N st! So I called the state patrol back, watched him go into Bennet Martin, and they came in to talk with him. So maybe they’ve got the guy. Sure would be a weird coincidence to be walking around with a sign with that same stuff on it…

The salvation of the state IS the watchfulness in the citizen!

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