Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Wapner root, Bawls, and love potion #69


Oh Judge Wapner, your root beer is….. well i don’t want to be judgmental…. but average. I mean it is good, but I think I will continue my quest for a killer one.


Bawls is the best energy drink I have ever tasted. Hardly any nasty flavor and was close to a lemon lime soda. Refreshing as heck.


Love Potion # 69 looks really awesome. Tastes like a rotten salad with garlic though. Blech….. What are you thinking making that? It is an energy soda and I dumped it after my first swig. nasty.

Running low on sodas to try from Rocket Fizz, need to head back.

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