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using the vending machine at work is an adventure every time

brail vend

This is not meant to be mean. Heck I think it is kinda cool.

In that pic there you can see a booklet hanging off of it. The booklet contains braille info. I bet it is about how to use the vending machine and what is in there currently. Is this the ADA going too far? I don’t think so. First it is really cool, but these machines are run by a group of visually impaired folk. It is apparent often too. Bags of chips will be arranged in random ways. Often you have to use your memory to find the bag of Famos Amos cookies cuz all you see is the upside down back of the package.

Best one ever was a new guy I was showing around bought a soda and ended up with a diet Coke when that was not the button he pushed.

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