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updating the iphone firmware was fun, NOT!


Two agonizing hours of phone no worky and trying to troubleshoot the problem. The 2.0.1 update was huge and I decided to try it out. Backing the iphone up takes forever in the 2.0.0 version so I let it do that while I made dinner. Ran the update which gives you little info and took a long time. Then went to restore and it failed, and failed, and failed. Looked around and found some stuff. Ended up just needing to “reboot” the phone and restore to a point way back in time. Had to resync all my music and apps. Lost all my data too, like passwords on websites, contact information, location data on apps. Pretty much had to start all over again. Pretty big bummer actually.

I had an app called box office installed and apple has pulled the app from its store for some reason. Nobody really knows why though. Having that on there might of been what hosed me cuz it was having all sorts of errors about that app being on there.

But the update seems to have improved a few things. Contacts is faster, and the home screens flick better, but the best is the keyboard seems faster. So I guess it was worth it. Theresa’s is next.

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