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Tucker and Dale VS Evil

This movie deserves a Grammy. I have not laughed that hard in a long time, and I laugh pretty much all day long.

So so so so good.

it has a 100% on rotten tomatoes

No nudity, extremely gross deaths, never gets slow or boring, and is funny as heck. I was tearing up and could hardly breathe there for a bit.

I am not a fan of horror movies, but like the funny ones. This is twice the movie Shaun of the dead was, but in the exact same spirit.

It is $10 on time warner pay per view, on itunes, and available if you know where to look.

I am headed down to the BorKade to do some cleaning and watch it a third time. I want to see it in the theater.

TUCKER & DALE VS EVIL is a hilariously gory, good-spirited horror comedy, doing for killer rednecks what Shaun of the Dead did for zombies. Tucker and Dale are two best friends on vacation at their dilapidated mountain house, who are mistaken for murderous backwoods hillbillies by a group of obnoxious, preppy college kids. When one of the students gets separated from her friends, the boys try to lend a hand, but as the misunderstanding grows, so does the body count. TUCKER AND DALE VS EVIL has been a hit on the festival circuit, debuting at Sundance, and winning the Midnight Audience Award at SXSW, the Jury Prize for First Feature at Fantasia, the Best Director award at Fantaspoa, and the Best Motion Picture Award at Sitges.

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