Any of ya have issues with it?
First it hit out normal DVR, then it took over out HD DVR a few weeks later.
– Deleted a bunch of out saved shows
– does not jump back a few secs after you fast forward
– not as much info in the guide
– does not mark shows as bing new, messes up recordings by re recording multiples of the same show
– problems canceling recordings
– all around slower
– cant set multiple power off timers
– old menu remembered sleep timer settings
– used to be able to leave hard drive on so it would have the last hour worth of stuff when you turn it on.
– no setting colors or banner duration
– favorites are hosed
– there is really no love for channel surfers
– when in guide if you change the volume you have to wait till the banner disapears till it takes effect.
Basically it is still in beta, but we did not sign up to be a beta. They hosed us.
Thanks time warner, now raise our rates douchebags.
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