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the Lincoln air show was AWESOME

That was a fun time standing on a huge slab of concrete under the burning sun for 5 hours. The massiveness of the place was hard to comprehend. I never made it to either end. So many planes you could check out.

While I was waiting to get in the gate a helicopter dropped a car that was hanging from a cable and when it hit the ground a huge gas bomb ripped through the sky. The cheers sounded like a football game.

The school bus hit 363 MPH. when it was noodlin around before it made it to the runway it was shooting flames hundreds of yards and then made the afterburners or something pop a few times in a row. It was insanely loud and children were crying. It was not even my birthday 😉

The Blue angels went on at 3 PM and were great. It was just insane being that close to the action. They shred sky and ears. Best part was the sneak passes. I totally forgot about it because I was giggling so much at the raw awesome of the #1-4 planes doing a low and fast maneuver. The announcer wanted you to look to the right behind you to see them get back into the diamond formation when the two solos tear right over your head at 700 MPH in diff directions. It scared the fricking carps out of me and made a bunch of children cry once again Those sneaky bastards.

Here is an example of the sneak pass. You can see everyone looking away from what is going to happen. They pass at 700 MPH about 100 feet above you.

Favorite part of the show was the A10 though. What an amazing machine. The gas bombs were so loud and the 2nd pass bomb drop simulation singed my arm hairs I believe. You just got hit with a huge wave of insane heat. The plane can shoot 70 30MM rounds in one second. The announcer said the bullets are as big as coke bottles.


Funny thing about the traffic. I headed out on west O street and the line started just after HWY 77. I said F that and drove past west 48th and did a U turn where 20 cars were waiting to head to Airpark. It was not all that bad after that. Seemed coming off I80 was a good way to go as well. I parked right near the entrance like Clark Griswald and got out and home with ease.

I got sun burnt pretty bad.

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