We are sad panda’s, but that is what this week of trying the dutch oven out is all about. We browned the beef a bit last night, Theresa figured adding some flour early on would thicken the sauce / gravy. Added some broth and in the oven at 250 degrees it went. 5 hours later and well we did not have enough liquid. The meat I could find was tender and awesome actually, but some was jerky dry and lots of scorchedness.
Oh well the next time we try we will know. Oh which reminds me, tomorrow is a beef roast and we now know we need to add a good amount of liquid 😉
I think pizza is in order for this eve.
EDIT: screw it. Aint a little setback gonna keep us from eating stew. We just gonna pressure cook it. I headed and picked up another cheap steak to cut up.
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