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The Dirty Haiku Project is having a show during the 1st of June art walk at Jakes

My good friend Heather is working on The Dirty Haiku Project.

I love texting haiku. It forces me to be creative even if all I have to say is, “I miss you.”

It is not easy,
To think about you always.
I am left bereft.

That one’s my favorite. Not dirty at all but it’s a good example of a haiku text.

So I went to cheer a friend by sending him dirty haiku. It was super fun. I wrote ten in the first day alone. Soon I started writing them in a tiny red leather book, showed them to others and watched the blood rise to their cheeks. I listed to them being read aloud and felt myself turn bright red to match the book’s cover. It was too much fun to not share.

So I asked Rob Liliedahl of Liliedahl Images if he’d be interested of taking pictures of my friends in their underwear. Now that I say that, I realize how odd of a question that is. But after explaining about the haiku I then explained that I was looking to take the poetry a step further and write on people’s skin. Rob is a great photographer and I knew he could capture what was in my head a thousand times better than me guessing with a camera for hours on end.

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