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still itching for more fireworks?

Fireworks this weekend were awesome. Friday was a bummer from the rain and the very first shell I shot hurt Theresa and gave her a good burn on her chest. She is OK though.
Sat we drove out to Oak lake to watch Larry the cable guys display and the saltdogs. Larry’s sucked, but the Saltdogs display slayed. Also being able to see Capitol Beaches made for some fine viewing.
Sunday I rode my bike to Oak Lake on the salt creek levee trail and had front row view of the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra and the fireworks. I have never been that close to a display and it was awesome. Qhick trip back on the trail made it a cinch to hit the show.

So I was looking around to see how fireworks are made and ran into a youtube channel by displayfireworks1. This guy is awesome. He has a 7 part series of a celebration he put on at a lake and shows the whole procedure for getting them ready, using quick fuse and electronicly fired squibs for one heck of a show. It is over an hour of video and fun to watch. It is a mix of consumer and pro stuff done well.

this is part 6 where some has already gone off, but they are in the boat ready to fire off the big stuff.
He has a camera rolling on the dock showing the launches and edited the vids to show them pressing the button, the launch, and then the explosions.

part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7

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