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State Theatre showing old movies on 35mm

State Theatre is currently showing Monty Python holy grail.

They commented over on the forum

Thanks for giving the theatre some luv on here. Fret thee not, more classic movies are coming. This weekend (Sat & Sun only) a 3:30 matinee and 10:30 late show . . . DR. STRANGELOVE on 35mm film.

Next week . . . TAXI DRIVER

Army of Darkness . . . Young Frankenstein . . . Night of the Living Dead . . . hmmm, we might have something here . . . I sense a gathering, a festivale of sorts, there is beer and a vodka pepsi challenge . . . and darkness . . . and blood . . . and h-h-h-h-arghh

b.t.w. we’re doing all we can to make the place as nice a possible. suede sofas with footrests, ohh how dreamy . . .

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