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spore is pretty fun

Woke up early and then fell asleep again, then in a frantic pace got ready and headed to Best Buy. They had hundreds of copies left. phew……. Theresa has been pretty stoked for this game and I offered her a chance to play first. She declined and I got rolling. At about midnight I finally got through the tribal phase.

I have seen the commercials and knew it might be a bit like a RPG or RTS game, but it goes through stages. I chose carnivore and when I got frustrated I would end up killing. That set my path and I am a brutal race. I wonder how it would work being a herbivore. I doubt Theresa would want to play a game where she has to kill kill kill.

It is a PC game right now. I have a decent graphics card and set everything up to the highest settings and it had no trouble at all. The graphics are not too impressive actually. Game play can get pretty frantic at times though. Towards the end of each stage the pace really picks up and you better know what you are doing.

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