Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



so I had this plan….


Down in the BorKade and I was looking at the now exposed water pipes. Theresa was using the sink upstairs and the pipes were really warm and cold. I had some pipe insulation lying around, but it was the wrong size. To the hardware store for 8 tubes of the right stuff. I planned on going all the way back to the main. I started under the main sink.


Not prpfessional quality, but it got the job done. Got back into the strange room with the furnace and water heater. That is when I noticed there were no water pipes in there. The go along the east wall where there is a ceiling 🙁
At least the first glass of water is still cold. Will wait till I smash out some walls for the rest of the insulation. I need moar room for pins 🙂

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