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so excited to have a paved road and bike trail on my block

That would be 4th street. It used to have train tracks down the middle but it got tore out a few years back. There are still two other train tracks that surround my house. So when they have train tracks the road is rock on either side. Well 4th street is getting paved and the northern end of the Jamacia North trail will run along the side of it.

The trains do not bother me, but the dust from the limestone roads gets old. Plus the maintenance on them is insane. Around 4 times a year new rock has to be put down and the surface grated. Just a huge mess. I am gonna use the heck out of that trail when it is done. A straight line to wilderness.

The construction has been going on for a month or so. Big equipment beep beep, but it will all be worth it. They started by replacing all the sewer and water lines under the road which is pretty cool since we have had a few water main breaks recently. Looks like they are only doing 1/2 the road at a time. I bet it will be going on for quite some time.

the gravel right there will be where the Jamaica north will be. You can see where it will end as well, 3 streets down.

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