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self ground chuck mushroom burger was quite the treat


It has been grilling food show season and I had a hankering for a fresh ground burger. Picked up a chuck steak and ground it up. Theresa likes the burgers I make usually from reg ground beef from Super Saver and she let me mix in a bit of the stuff I ground for her into her two uber thin burgers. I went for a massive 7 ounce fatty cooked to a perfect medium. I ground all the fat on the steak and very lightly packed my burger. This made it pretty much fall apart on the grill, but I handled it very carefully and with only one flip it made it to my bun. Sauteed some mushrooms with some of the dried cayenne peppers I grew last year, salt, pepper, and then topped with a slice of pepper jack. Oh man was it good. As Chef Todd says, rocket hot with the lid open. I did not finish it all, but man was it good.


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