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rocking fedora core 9 at work

I have a pretty nice workstation at work. It is a HP and it ran linux pretty well. Then the new ubuntu came out and I had bunches of strange issues. Ended up going with mint linux and started having issues as well. I figured it was something to do with the current ubuntu (mint uses it as a base) and gave up yesterday. Spkthed loves fedora so I gave it a shot.

Still using the gnome desktop most everything was pretty much the same. Had a bit of trouble with the package manager, but with spkthed’s help I have it rocking now. Did experience a freeze up which leads me to believe that something in the kernel has been hosing all my distros, but it is fun to learn a new one anyway. I liked how some of the stuff i usually need to install were already there. Not a fan of RPMs though.

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