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Record Review Face


Thunkernoodle likes the hard grinding sound of Ideal Cleaners – As far as you know over on Record Review Face. He is making his metal face.

Welcome to day one of RECORD REVIEW FACE! We’re off to a fun start, but please do submit photos of your own. I’d like the site to serve as a place where people can share favorite records, and your own facial expressions can show the effect this music has on your lives. It can also be a place where we celebrate the idea of an album itself, a physical package that delivers art, lyrics, and liner notes in addition to music.

So far all of the posts feature vinyl, but whatever physical format you’d like to highlight is fine: CDs, cassettes, 8-tracks, Edison cylinders: as long as the music moves you, share the love!

They are taking submissions if you want to participate.

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About BorK

My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

If you wanna contact me, it is "my username" @

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