Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



PLEASE keep on my a**

So I ditched the rollers for some treadmill time. I wish running on the treadmill did not hurt my shins so much. The reason I got the schtupid treadmill was to get fit. The pain was a bit too much so I started biking. Well powerwalking is still a workout right?

Anyway I did one day of working out last week. My bro ribbed me a bit. I have not let you down, I have let myself down. So my whole thing was gonna go till Feb 4th, which will be 2 months after the second breqak of my collarbone. And no matter what I need to get on it.

A week ago, Fuggles pissed I am on her treadmill. BTW after tonight she smoked my ass on it.

EDIT: dropped off the netflix vids that showed up today at the main post office. Took Fuggles for the ride down there. With the street tires I was blown away by how awesome they roll. I was pumping and Fuggles was right there with me. Felt awesome to be on a street even though it was cold as hell. Beats rollers any day 😉

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