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pimp my pantry 1.0

Oh how great is it to have friends who do different kinds of construction 😉
My buddy Scott is an amazing carpenter. I worked with him for a summer being his gopher. He is a severe perfectionist and when most trim carpenters slap crap together, he goes above and beyond to make sure everything is perfect.

This pic would be my pantry after I stripped it down. It did have two wire shelves on the right side there, plus a plastic utility shelf for storing crap. It was severely wasted space. Scott is gonna hook me up with the uber pantry. I have seen his work on his personal closets, absolutely amazing. He is from California, and puts California closets to shame.

I have taken a bunch of pics and some video. Work begins tomorrow and I will show the awesomeness of it when it is all done. Oh, he is for hire iffin you need something done 😉

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