I won a TV from USTOP and Bud light. At my local USTOP they had a drawing for a 19 inch dynex LCD HDTV as a promotion for Bud light. I entered at least once a day, but more on some days. It was sort of a running joke with the employees.
Was not sure what to do with it at first. We had already replaced our TVs around the house over the last two years. I figured I would use it as a 2nd computer monitor so I could get that CRT beast off my desk, but Theresa had a great idea to put it down in the BorKade. I had a 27 inch CRT TV down there and it was big and in the way. This little sucker will be perfect mounted up on the wall and out of the way.
Hit TWC over lunch to get some more coaxial cable and connectors to rewire the house. Ended up drilling right through the cable going into the house in two spots. It was pretty fun actually. Replaced a really old wire that is our main connection. Hoping some issues we have been having will go away now. Around 1 AM I had it all hooked up and got to watch some infomercials.
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