one more card down and gonna beef up my main puter
3 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in pc/linux, random crap, Unicorns
We are on a roll. After vacation we have put in a new garage door opener, put a new muffler on the car, and are tackling our debt like a rabid unicorn on a Ugandan tree slug with a broken shell. I saved up some pennies over the last month and am gonna make a huge jump with a new processor for my main rig. Fastest chip they make for my retired 939 socket. Dual core 2.6 AMD Opteron 185, server class baby. Will be a huge jump from my single core 1.9 AMD 3500+ I have currently. Stayed up late last night for my direct deposit to register and ordered it next day. Why don’t they offer same day?
Then paid off the Best Buy card completely. We killed the Circuit City card a while back, now target, amazon, and a loan I took out on my life insurance for my clunker truck. We are getting closer and closer to being debt free paycheck by paycheck. We hardly eat out anymore, I rarely hit bars, I have my dream bike, and a new wii game to keep me occupied for a while. Still a bit in debt, but it feels really good to cross one more card off the list.
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