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No amount of shark jumping will ever tank bacon’s status

Good article on bacon craziness over at salon

Last summer, New York magazine’s food blog, Grub Street, commented that the arrival of a packaged product called bacon salt was the sign that bacon, as a foodstuff, had finally jumped the shark, that it had finally strayed into a new and unseemly level of self-parody, that it was being touted as much for its ironic or comic value (insert Homer Simpson slobbering sound here) as its flavor.

But after a few months passed, there it was again: bacon where it shouldn’t be. It was in a cocktail, in a recipe for bacon-infused bourbon, right there in the pages of New York. Wasn’t it supposed to be over?

The original charge missed the point, as did my hope of pinpointing a spot on the horizon when baconmania would shrink from our national consciousness like it does in a hot pan.

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