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new toy came preloaded with vista, wish I could play with it


Since the car did not need a new radiator we had enough left in savings to replace our broke laptop. Picked up an little HP. Not too fancy, but decent. Tried to show the size difference in the pic, but failed. Only 14 inches. Thing has Vista installed on it and I just wanted to burn off the recovery disks. Kinda bummed cuz 2 hours after getting home with it I am still on the first step.

Vista is a turd, pre installed custom operating systems suck. It took at least 20 minutes to get into vista. First the normal setup with username, pass, time zone, etc…. Goes through its thing while showing advertisements. Finaly looks like it is going to boot into windows and “installing HP software”. I wait, wait, peel the 10 stickers off the dam thing. Looked like it was sponsored by nascar. Then the register with us, oh would you like this special offer, how about …… Got in about 20 minutes after powering it on.

Anyway vista sux, go straight to disk burning program, gonna take about an hour is says. That was just to build the disks which eventually fill 10gb of the 12gb partition, now I have to burn 3 DVD’s or 17 CD’s. I figure 3 hours in I will get to install a better OS. Gonna install a fresh non HP tainted mini partition of vista since I have access to it and a key on this, then ubuntu.

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