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My voice was used in a droid app: Bang Moo Clang Meow

Screen shot 2011-05-11 at 3.44.26 PM

Bang Moo Clang Meow is an app currently available for droid and soon apple that my buddy Sharkbird made. he sent me an email with a bunch of words that I read off onto a voicemail for him. I added some sounds for some of the words as well.

4 folks contributed voices for the app. The app is:

A noisy colorful application to amuse children, and annoy parents.
BMCM-Bang Moo Clang Meow is an educational application that helps children learn the names of objects and the sounds that objects make.

You flick in any direction and a picture will show up with a voice saying the word. If you shake your device it will play the sound the object makes. Some are pretty cool. The orange gets squished, the blocks tumble, and the sharkbird squawks. It was a project for his class, but he intends to make more apps and even started his own company. Sharkbird LLC

If you want to buy the $1 app i will send you a buck via paypal if you desire.

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