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my first PSMO beef tenderloin


We have been kicking the peppercorn steaks almost every weekend for about 5 months now. It gets pricey buying fillets of loin roasts. I kinda said we need to do something different since we have it so often, but Sam’s club had the PSMO (Peeled Side Meat On tenderloin) for $5 a pound for choice which goes for $24 a pound at Ideal. I simply had to try it.

I used the fine instruction of Alton Brown of good eats to trim it down.
Episode part 1
Episode part 2

If you watch the first clip it will show how to carve one of these up. We got the side meat roast, 2 big chunks of the loin for Chateaubriand (how we do the recipe lately), two fillets, two mini end cuts I butterflied for a snack some day, and the chain meat I will make an awesome cheese steak from some time. The savings were absolutely unbelievable. I think I will be chopping a bunch of these up for years to come.


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