Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



man beerorkid gets around

I love how much my username / site name gets around. I frequent a bunch of forums. I used to host some linux repositories and themz linux folk are rabbid. If you google image beerorkid you get some strange stuff. The above pic is my fav.

I am linked to from all over and I am blushing from the attention. It is the folks who visit here, comment, and post stuff that amazes me the most though. It really is strange how many of ya come here to see the unbelievably schtupid crap I put up. I am blessed and slightly obsessed.

Thank you very much to you all.

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About BorK

My pledge: a pic in every post, at least 5 posts a day (cept weekends), and free tiny american flags ($39.95 S&H). Seriously yall, register up and add some stupid / cool stuff here. This is a community, join into it, comment a few times and I will make you an author.

If you wanna contact me, it is "my username" @

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