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Making bacon batch 2 done. Decent, but I can do better


So my goal when I decided to try making bacon was to try to make my favorite commercial bacon. First try was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too salty and I had to mess with it a bunch and well it was not all that great.

This time I cut the cure time to 6.5 days instead of 14 and used some tender quick to actually cure it. According to the smoking folk my first batch was salted pork because I did not use nitrates. This time it was 75% salt and 25% sugar instead of 50-50%. It is still a bit salty though, but edible.


The color before cooking was beautiful, but it went really light pink to almost gray when cooked. 8 hours of apple wood smoke on a cold day. I used no lump charcoal and just let the wood chunks slowly smolder and added new ones about every hour. The smoke is there, but it needs more. I think I will try putting the 3 remaining slabs in the smoker for another day.


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