Maggie got a big old shaved spot and gonna have a cool scar. They removed a huge fatty tumor. She did not need any teeth pulled. They cleaned her teeth up good though. Now when she smiles there is one of the orbits gum “blings”
So Fuggles was not happy with Maggie gone, Maggie was not happy cuz she is sore and groggy. I had to run out and do some side work. On the way home I got a call from Theresa, she needed help because of a fight the doggies got into. It was bad when I made it home a few minutes later. T was pinning Fuggles down and Maggie was watching. Theresa got a few puncture wounds and some good scrapes when trying to separate them. It shook her up pretty good.
It seems Fuggles is food aggressive. The fight started over a rawhide. Tensions were high and Fuggles freaked and was lashing out.
We have decided that Fuggles needs some severe training. We are going to contact K9 consultants tomorrow and see what they can do. our vet warned us, the puppy class trainer warned us, and we know that she is a mix of dogs that have problems with dominance not necessarily aggression. She does not have much respect for Theresa concerning dominance. That has to change.
Things settled down and well Fuggles is in the doghouse. She is not allowed to annoy anyone, get on the bed or couch, or bug Maggie one bit. She is gonna get a bunch of puppy time outs till she shapes up.
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