Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



LOMAH Acres soap is awesome


I posted about this last summer. This is the only soap I use anymore. LOMAH Acres makes great goat milk soap. The fragrance is nice, but not overpowering like many other fancy soaps I have tried. The bars last a long time and I have no complaints besides Theresa will let Fuggles lick the bar in the shower >.< I have tried the more manly scents and like them, but I have no problem rocking a black raspberry. Theresa is all body wash and is not too interested in bar soaps. I had been picking up bars from the farmers market, but since it is off season I made an online order for 4 more bars so I can try a few more scents and a sea salt bar that exfoliates. Shipping was $5 and the package included some samples and a picture of Marina and Pixie which now is displayed on our fridge.

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