Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Lincoln Zombie walk sept 8th



ONE: Meet at Dark Visions Haunted House, (126 N 16th)on September 8th, time TBA (around 5 to 7pm,) in your own zombie getup.

TWO: Meet at that same spot and time in clothes you don’t care to have a teensy bit destroyed, and we’ll zombify you as best we can (if any makeup/effects gurus are in attendance, we will certainly look to them for help).

THREE: Position yourself somewhere along the route and make sure you’ve got a piece of duct tape prominently displayed on your shirt so that we’ll know you want to be eaten. (see below) If there is any doubt about who wants to be devoured, we will not devour them. Only people who obviously are into it will get attacked. So come find us. Don’t make us do all the work.

Head to the site for more details

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