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Kitchenaid grinder works great. Beefy potato goop was decent


When we started making meals from scratch we tried to recreate some hamburger helper type meals. Theresa always liked the HH’s with potatoes and I liked the pasta ones. I had not tested out the food grinder attachment yet and figured we could use it for something last night. Theresa said beef goop with potatoes. We discussed how we would do it. I was under the impression that the dehydrated potato slices that come in a HH box were pretty much cooked and since the sauce would be a bit thick it might be better to cook the potatoes first. After making this last night I think it might of been better to cook the potatoes in the sauce.

Theresa picked up some cheap chuck and sirloin steaks and I got to grinding. I had purchased a food grinder attachment off ebay before, but I did not read the description and failed to notice it did not come with the grinding plates. I still have in my possession a really old hand cranked grinder from Theresa’s parents, but that thing was really scary. The kitchenaid one rocked. I was surprised you are supposed to turn it up to speed 4, but it was not as fast as I thought it would be. What came out was perfect.

Made a thick gravy with garlic, misty’s seasoning, black pepper, parsley, and a dollop of sour cream. The grinder is well made. The plastic parts are sturdy and the worm drive is powerful. Clean up was a snap and hardly no blood was squirting all over the place like with the hand crank model.






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