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Kitchen: 83.64% done. We are using it now :) Part 2


This morning Theresa and I got up early to get the laminating of the countertops done. We really did not heed the warnings on the contact cement good enough. A few minutes in we ran outside and put up the industrial fan to suck air through the house. I Good thing it was a decent day. can still taste the contact cement.

Our Kitchen is done cabinet wise. The rest:
Countertops: still have to laminate the removable piece and the microwave shelf
Sink: in and all pluming good. Just need to get proper color silicon to set it in. (bought white 🙁 )
Final trim: Toe kick needs to go on and I need to order a sheet to hide the side of the lazy susan by the fridge.
the rest: Oil the oak nose, tile, paint, and tons of spackle 😉

Theresa is a laminating machine



Thunks really enjoyed Scott’s shake and ruined his straw.


nose rounded


45% bevel on it


inside corner


This is the removable countertop we were lucky to have Scott around to get it done. Our next big thing down the road is windows so I did not want to destroy the countertop when that day came.
The piece is removable and we will laminate it, secure it, and fill the small seam with silicone like we have seen on kitchen shows for gaps. When the day comes we unscrew and cut the silicon.


The lower will be our microwave area. That gets a laminate as well.


The sink is awesome. We rocked 4 sets of dishes really quick. It has been so long since I had dual sinks. My mop bucket ft so easy.


The drain pipe was quite the ordeal. 3 trips to the store. That is still a trap even though it is so twisted. We moved the sink left about a foot and the old cast iron drain is a 45 leaning right. Had to go flexy till I do it up better.




We are going to do mac and cheese tomorrow. Man tomorrow is so going to rule.

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