I’m kinda in the middle, I hate cats, but love bacon
No comments · Posted by beerorkid in animals, bacon, random crap
(13:42:33) steve: Whatever: Clearly You People Thought I Was Kidding
(13:42:44) Theresa: hi
(13:42:49) steve: hi
(13:42:55) Theresa: lol
(13:43:03) Theresa: you gonna do that to cloe
(13:43:10) steve: sure
(13:43:18) steve: you gave me permission
(13:43:28) Theresa: but that would waste perfetlly good bacon
(13:43:34) steve: true
(13:43:35) Theresa: n what bout maggies
(13:43:49) Theresa: we could do a contest, who gets the bacon first
(13:44:02) Theresa: bonus points if they get it off the other one two
(13:44:03) steve: maggie can eat the bacon off of Cloe and we know she likes tape. it is a win win win
(13:44:10) Theresa: lol
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