Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



JC Pie Pops are delicious

172.54 miles across 3 states, 12 pounds of dry ice, to finally get some JC Pie Pops.

I have been craving them for years after On Second Scoop​ did a review.

An awesome wedding in KC instantly brought up talks about how we would get JC’s PIE POPS​ back home. The wife had this complicated plan with ice from the hotel and multiple plastic bags. Dry ice is so much easier and we simply had no clue how cold dry ice can make a pie pop.

On the trip home she asks me “whats for dinner?” and we both giggle knowing we will have a multi course pie pop dinner.

We get home and tear the boxes open. Neither one of us could even make a dent in the rock hard pie pops. The agonizing wait for them to thaw enough to eat was excruciating. Our patience was rewarded though. Holy heck they make a great treat. Can’t wait till we can get them in Nebraska.

A pie pop is not ice cream, but frozen panna cotta with crunchy coatings. We are hoarding them and so wish we would of grabbed more.

I made a post on their FB and won post of the week

Another successful long distance relationship and we’re so proud!! Thanks Beer Orkid for the awesome post… You made our weekend, and you’re next week’s pic of the week! (We’re announcing it early. Loyalty like this must be rewarded). smile emoticon

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