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Jake Shimabukuro “Orange World”

This song was played when he came to Lincoln with the flecktones. He took what he learned from playing with Bela and put a blugrass feel to it. The guy is unbelievable.

It was really neat to meet Jake after a show in Lawrence. It was his first time on the “mainland” he was astuonded by how flat and far away thing were.
I talked with him after his show in Lincoln and he kept commenting on all the cows and no mountians. Was funny. He has been rocking out the midwest a bunch lately. I saw him play solo with some amazing musicians at the Leid center here. He is one of many musicians who makes me cry when I see them. It is not sad, it is pure joy of being able to see something so amazing that mekes me that happy.

Jake is awesome……………………

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