iffin you would be so kind as to provide some feedback on BorK that would be nice
6 Comments · Posted by beerorkid in random crap
I have been thinking about mixing it up a little bit. Still going to post the same worthless crap, but was thinking a design change and making the site easier to navigate.
So first question. Right now I have 10 posts per page. Often i have a lot of vids and pics and it might be too much for some computers to handle and the pages can get pretty long. I like them long 😉 but wondering what you think.
I like to keep the site clean with not much going on. That is why I like a two column setup like it is now. There is a lot of crap over there though. I could do a 3 column setup which would spread the crap on the right out a bit.
I have had google ads down on the right bottom for a while. Took years till I made my 1st $100 and I really do not care for them. But I was thinking of maybe putting some more ads in possibly. I kinda like how BorK is pretty ad free though would hate to clutter it up with more ads.
And any other feedback would be appreciated. Rip the site to pieces if you wish.
Thanks in advance.
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