Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I win :p


So I got a new DVD burner for my home PC a week ago. The old one literally was used to death. I had to pop the tray out with a paperclip. New one is much faster and opens when I push the button 🙂

I have a second plain DVD drive (no burner) which is old and slow as heck. I figured I should replace it with another and might as well get a burner since they are so cheap. So I headed to newegg and clicked on another and waited. Well it showed up over lunch and I noticed it was SATA and not the IDE I needed since all my SATA slots are filled. I was going to return it, but a coworker said he would take it off my hands and I headed to newegg and bought another.

ANOTHER SATA. Sigh…. I frantically clicked through newegg to get to a screen to cancel my order.
“not all orders can be cancelled through the internet”
eeeeeeeeeeeeek…. I waited and waited till I got a confirmation that it had been cancelled. And ordered another IDE burner. Phew…

Not sure why I am telling you this. kinda like telling someone you just pooped your pants 😉

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