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I will be a speaker at Ignite Lincoln 3 Jan 26th at the Burbon Theatre


I was contacted By Justin, of Ignite Lincoln, asking if I would want to do a 5 minute 20 slide presentation on something to do with pinball. Justin has been over to the BorKade and my love of talking about pinball must of helped.

From the Ignite Lincoln site:

Last month, Ignite Lincoln asked local residents what they are doing to make our city a little more interesting. The challenge is: they only have five minutes to share their idea.

Now the speakers have been announced and will be giving their talks throughout the day on January 26th at the Bourbon Theatre. The event is free to attend, but a limited number of earlybird tickets will get you in the door before everybody else. Come celebrate a distinctly Lincoln night along with the following fantastic speakers:

Steve Ramos—“Pinball: A Game Of Skill”
Shane Dwyer—“Great Pictures With Any Camera”
Jane Garrity—“The Startup Visa: Helping The World’s Entrepreneurs Create American Jobs”
Calvin Pappas—“Silicon Valley To The Silicon Prairie”
Jeff Abele—“The iPad Is Not A Toy”
Shane Farritor—“Becoming More Creative”
Steve Maly—“Get Real”
Shauna Groenewold—“And They Lived Happily Ever After”
Tanner O’Dell—“Attraction of Awkwardness”
Julie Beno—“The Secret Life Of Librarians”
Hope Edwards—“Serve To Lead”
Collin Caneva—“Turning A Headwind Into A Tailwind”
Jordan Pascale—“The Evolution Of G”
Brent C. Wilson—“A Foster Family’s Tale”
John Coffey—“Nebraska Sucks!”

I am pretty excited, and just a bit nervous. I have been on stage a bunch of times in my life. I am missing the gene that allows people to be embarrassed, and just need to keep it PG-13. I plan on focusing on pinball not being a ball randomly scoring points, but rather a game of controlling the ball to reach objectives.

My very last night of being a college student I was giving a speech on a hero of mine. While others were talking about family members, sports idols, or folks in the military, I did mine on Al Bundy. No matter how crappy his life was, how he mocked his family, you could always tell deep down he would do anything for his family. I just hope the crowd at ignite Lincoln does not glare at me like my speech teacher did 😉

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