Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I sure do miss my herb garden during the winter, but this year should be better.


We did our gift exchange last night. This was my big gift from Theresa, an Aero Garden. It is a little hydroponic garden. We have tried growing basil indoors during the winter and with only one south facing window it really struggled. I was planning on getting a plant light or something to try it again, but never got around to it.

She got one heck of a deal at linens and things and figured I would like it. Did some research and apparently these things work pretty darn good. Basil is said to grow really fast and you have to prune the plant often, which I will have no problem doing 😉

UPDATE: Read a lot of reviews and looked around online. Seems most folks have really good luck with it, the customer service is really good, but the price is kind of hard to justify. You can buy a kit that allows you to use your own seeds, but the nutrients pretty much have to come from them. There are bunches of kits, but often diff items need diff nutrients so it can be hard to mix and match. Power consumption is not too bad. Seems to be about $3 a month.

The thing has a hum because of the pump which is not too loud. Thing is really bright though. We timed it to not be on when we wake up, but it was blindingly bright this morning. Might have to adjust that. I was not too sure about it, but after reading up on it I am pretty excited.

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