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I saved T from a killer slug

On the way home from the ride last night I phoned Theresa to let her know I was still all connected together and on my way home. She told me there was a slug in the basement harassing her with its beady little eyes. She wanted me to deal with the little sucker. I had named it Hernando and envisioned a 3 to 4 inch thick slug leaving a trail of slime all over the basement and wreaking havoc.

Got home and jumped into hero mode. She stood at the top of the stairs and pointed in Hernando’s general direction. I could not find him. I figured a big ol slug would be easy to spot. Theresa saw him on the floor but I still had to search cuz I could not imagine he would be such a little fella. He was so cute. I took him out back and attached him to a sunflower stalk and wished him well.

Really wondering how he got in the basement and if his brothers and sisters are still hanging around.

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