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I am one of those tablet users now thanks to the Nexus 7


I picked up a Google Nexus 7 tablet about a month ago. I have not had much interest in tablets, and am not much of an apple fan. Ipads are great, but I am not going to pay that much for a tablet and loathe itunes. The N7 is an Android device running the most current and vanilla OS. With a nook and other devices the OS is locked down or there is a bunch of crap loaded on it you cannot get rid of. The N7 is really easy to wipe and load something else on there. It is darn powerful, and the 12 core graphics is very pretty.

To be honest, the main reason I wanted it was so I could play Pinball Arcade on it. Playing those amazing recreations on my little phone was not cutting it. The tables play amazing on it, but I started using the N7 for more than just games after a few days. The device runs so well and I can use it pretty much like a laptop. I have even been buying books to read on it. Right now I am on The Princess bride and I am actually going to finish it this time. Swears.

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