Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



I always wanted to be the guy with the perfect lawn trimming it all day and waiting for the chance to mow. I am there now. Does that make me old?


My long term goal in life is to be the guy who has the best lawn on the block and spends all day making sure it is perfect while forcing the neighborhood kids to avoid my land. We there is little I can do about the feral children since they show no fear. Some day I will have the perfect front lawn, but for now I get by with my perfect lawn out back.

The rain has been amazing. You can look back to when I first tilled, first sprouts, and seeded. I have tried for the past 6-7 years to get to this point. First there was the two years I planted annual thinking it came back annually, then just trying to patch the weed infested. But getting lazy on the dog waste got the best of me for a few years.

I have criscross mowed it once. The corn gets in the way, but it is a small price to pay when I love mowing that sweet healthy green grass so much. It is young so I need to pay really good attention to it through the fall. Still, after so much failing I am proud to have achieved this.

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