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GZ slams Evan Almighty


Filled with the same kind of soft, goopy preaching that spoiled “Bruce Almighty,” “Evan Almighty” has zero edge and does nothing to take advantage of Carell’s talent that was fully on display in “The 40-Year-Old Virgin” and “Little Miss Sunshine,” two comedies that had some bite.

Here, he’s stuck in the doldrums, unable to find a foil or, surprisingly, present Evan’s uncomfortable move to ark builder with his usual physical hilarity. Here’s hoping this isn’t the start of a long, downhill slide for the star of “The Office.”

It’s not really that much of a surprise that “Evan Almighty” is the summer’s first true stinkball. It appeared to be a reach to begin with — a sequel to a picture that wasn’t all that good that didn’t bring back the star of the show.

rottentomatoes gave it a 22%

Still I will see it. T and I love schtupid humor

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