Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



gotz to empty the trash

So I have two puters that are pretty close to each other power wise. One is my secondary computer and I use it as network storage and a workhorse for processor insensitive applications. It has 6 hard drives in it that make a raid 5 raid array of 600 GB.

I had noticed it was filling up and was deleting like crazy. It was still full. SO I looked in it. It runs ubuntu linux and I did a locate .trash I found out that even though I mount it as a samba share to my main ubuntu PC it was putting everything that I deleted in a trash file (recycle bin) on the samba share. Got in there and deleted over 200 GB of trash that had collected.

Just a FYI that you still have to take out the trash every now and then 😉

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