Beerorkid – a bunch of useless crap |



Fuggles is no sled dog


Took Fuggles with me on a beer run last night. I had the bob trailer loaded down with an 18 pack and was climbing the A street overpass when I heard a clank. Looked down at my chain and watched it break and fly off. My commuter is pretty beat. It had been making some noise recently and I figured my bottom bracket was going bad. The chain was stiff as heck. Apparently it would of enjoyed a bit of lube.

So no chain, a dog, and a trailer loaded with beer. I was trying to get Fuggles to pull me, but I have her so trained to not pull that I ended up kicking my way home. The new chain is pretty.

They sprayed some seed on the dirt from building the bike path. Pretty cool seing how it was done. Guy was standing on top of the machine aiming a water canon to spray the seed mix. Looked like a lot of fun.


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