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Freshy 2 is really awesome

freshy 2

Freshy 2 is a wordpress theme that simply knocked my socks off. You also download a plugin and the customization abilities are simply the most robust I have ever seen.

I installed it over on memakefood and am using it on two other sites I am working on. One should launch tomorrow and am very excited about it. Kinda why it has been a bit slow around these parts too.

So on those sites I want to hide the fact that it is really a blog. With a normal theme you have to get in there and edit the code to get rid of things like the date showing, the authors name, and the comment function. Freshy 2 has all this covered in some simple radio button settings. It makes wordpress actually better. I have been searching for themes off and on for years and am astonished I had not seen this before. Love it.

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