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forget canned green chilies


I guess I sorta have this thing. If I am making food I want it to be from scratch. I really do not understand where it comes from, and it seems to be getting worse. A can of chopped green chilies prob cost under $1 and is just chopped green chilies, but I had to do it myself and am very glad I did.

Picked up some Anaheim peppers and that sat in the bag long enough for some to turn red. Roasted them on the grill. Some were more roasted than others and the skin peeled off them with ease after they cooled down. The skin stuck to the ones that did not get roasted enough. Scraped out the seeds and diced them up.



Used them in a batch of chicken and chillies and the results were some really good flavor. A bit spicier than usual, but way better taste.

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